Village & Panchayats
List of Villages and Gram Panchayats of the district (PDF 213KB )
Block wise Gram Panchayats in the district
S.No | Block Name | Total No. of Gram Panchayats |
1. | Amethi | 50 |
2. | Gauriganj | 58 |
3. | Musafirkhana | 56 |
4. | Tiloi | 59 |
5. | Jagdishpur | 71 |
6. | Bazar Shukul | 54 |
7. | Bhetua | 47 |
8. | Bhadar | 53 |
9. | Sangrampur | 37 |
10. | Shahgarh | 39 |
11. | Jamo | 66 |
12. | Singhpur | 58 |
13. | Bahadurpur | 34 |